GIDS Lectures on Democracy in South Asia

Two lectures on democracy in South Asia will be held on the following date.
Date: 3/29 (Wed)
Venue: Room 270723, 7/F, North Wing, General Building, NCCU
[Lecture 1] Revisiting the Evolution of Indian Democracy by Global Institutions
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Manoj Kumar Panigrahi (Ph. D., IDAS, NCCU; Assistant Professor and Director of the Centre of Northeast Asian Studies, Jindal School of International Affairs, O. P. Jindal Global University, India)
[Lecture 2] Spatialising the Fragments of the Nation: Democracy in forested areas in India and Bangladesh
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Manoj Kumar Panigrahi (Ph. D., IDAS, NCCU; Assistant Professor and Director of the Centre of Northeast Asian Studies, Jindal School of International Affairs, O. P. Jindal Global University, India)