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International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Stu
Current PhD Projects
Current PhD Projects

Student Topic Advisor Harun Talha Ayanoglu Impacts of Climate Change on the Emergence of Terrorism in Southeast Asia Fu Kuo Liu Chatia Hastasari Indonesian Migrant Workers and The Family Left Behind Tzu-kai Liu Armand Camhol The Persistence of the Ifugao Priest-Shaman in Contemporary Society Pi-Chen Liu Anisara Sungchuai International Business/Trade Management Alan Hao Yang Polwasit Lhakard Elderly policy in Thailand Lin Yei-Whei 武梅香 Human Mobility and Urbanisation: Rural-Urban Migration in Vietnam Shu Heng Chen Pannavij Tamtai Delineating the Perception of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy in Thailand: A Case Study of Thai Civil Service (2016-2021) Alan Hao Yang Claudia Anridho A Critical Ethnography Study: Muslim Students Pursuing Their Studies in Catholic University Chang Chung-fu Irsyad Martias Water Governance Tang Ching-Ping Jenny The Universalism vs. Particularism Concepts of Democracy: the Indonesian Case Sun Tsai-Wei Matthana Rodyim Political Fear: A Study of Thai Politics After the Death of King Bhumibol Sun Tsai-Wei Mark Schriver Taiwanese Senior High School Students: Cultural Capital, Perspectives, English, and Opportunities Chung-min Tsai Paula Pérez Romero Polarisation and Transitional Justice Su Yen-Pin Jakub Bartosz Klich Plastic Crystals. Becoming Transnational Same-Sex Couples in Taiwan Courtney Work Uma Chinnannan Higher Education Destinations: Push-Pull factors in Asia Pacific Chou Chuing Munkhtuya Davaajav Development Policy and Internal Migration in Mongolia Ji-Ping Lin Aaron Jensen Chinese Communist Party Cognitive Warfare against the United States Liu Fu-kuo Jacinto Baez Cute communication of Ecological risk in Taiwan Courtney Work


All the dissertations from previous IDAS students are available at the NCCU online library or printed at the IDAS office. Name Dissertation Title Year Morris, James Xavier A Paradigm in the Ethnography of Settlement History: Mapping Earth Deity Shrines in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan 2023 Lai, Chun-Kuei A Study of Chinese Solar Developmental Pattern: Case Study of Gansu and Shandong in China 2021 Dam, Thi Dao A Study on the Religious Spaces of Vietnamese Immigrants and Migrant Workers in Northern Taiwan 2024 Lee, Chen Agenda Development of Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation - A Multiple Streams Framework Revisited 2023 Huong Le Thu Bridging the gap or widening the gap? The Asia Europe Meeting's role in awakening 'cognitive regionalism'. 2013 Yuherina Gusman Challenges and Social Support for Left-Behind Children of Migrant Workers in West Java 2023 Tsou, Tzung-Ruei Children of New Immigrants in Taiwan: Ethnic Identity and Socioeconomic Status in Early Adulthood 2023 Sun , Shao Cheng China’s Cultural Soft Power in the United States: A Case Study of Twelve Confucius Institutes 2016 Juan Uriburu Quintana China’s Energy Policy and South-South Cooperation? A Comparative Study between Sino-Brazilian and Sino-Argentine Energy Policy 2000-2010 2014 姚仕帆 China’s Energy Security Policy in the Greater Middle East 2014 Sabrina Habich Dam-induced Resettlement Along the Lancang River: Policy Change and Implementation 2013 Tan, Timothy Hwa En Dynamic Approach to Equity Markets’ Index and ESG Return: An Application of Markov Regime Switch Regression Method 2021 Janet Tan Economic Landscape of Taiwan: Dynamic Cluster Models for Public Policy Effectiveness 2016 Oscar Rene Vargas Delgado Essays on External Debt and Economic Growth 2021 寇菲力 Essays on Monetary Policy and Asset Prices 2014 Tran Thi Duyen Examining Vietnam and Taiwan Relations in a Challenging Era (1992-2017) - Theoretical Debates and Prospects 2020 Fabricio Antonio Fonseca Fernández Following Different Approaches : Taiwanese Investment in Mexico and Unbalanced Taiwan-Mexico Trade Relations 2017 van Jaarsveldt, Leon Framing Climate Change on the Websites of Consequential Organisations: A Comparative Perspective amongst China, South Africa, and the US 2019 Deike Lautenschlaeger Freedom, Belonging and Home – German-speaking Migrants in Taiwan 2019 Moh’d Ali Khawaldeh From Co-operation to partnership: how has the Jordan - Taiwan relationship facilitated Taiwan investment in Jordan 2018 Li, Su-Chun Fulbright Program in Taiwan (1947-2019): A Case Study of International Educational Exchange as Public Diplomacy 2021 陳宗巖 Global Implementation of Basel Accord: A Theory of Political Pressures for Global Bank Regulation 2015 Lee, Chia Jung Globalisation and Higher Education in Taiwan and Mainland China: State-Centred Approach 2014 Tao, Claire Yun-Hui Governance of Leading Public Universities in Taiwan and Pursuit of International Competitiveness 2021 Gregory Coutaz Government Responses to Insuring Against Natural Disaster Risks 2016 Dean Karalekas Identity and Transformation: Perceptions of Civil-Military Relations in the Republic of China (Taiwan) 2016 Kusak, Wojciech Krzysztof Impact of Cooperation of China and Central Eastern European Countries - Gateway to Europe or Backdoor to Revisionism? 2019 Rangga Aditya Indonesia-Taiwan Cooperation Revisited: A Perspective of Historical Institutions 2018 Taro Kurokawa Institutional Development of Japanese Subnational Diplomacy towards Taiwan from 1972 to 2010 2019 Olga Daksueva International Systems: Cold War’s Bipolarity Revisited 2018 孫正宇 Investment Strategies of Korean Businesses in China under Globalization: An Analysis of the TFT-LCD Panel Industry 2016 Moises Lopes Souza Ma Ying-Jeou 's Diplomatic Policies Towards the Maritime Disputes (2008-2016): Outside-In And Inside-Out Factor 2018 Mark Henderson Municipal Diplomacy and Foreign Direct Investment Location Choice: The Case of Taiwan’s Major Cities 2019 Broto Wardoyo Navigating The Indonesia’s Military Reform, 1998-2014 2017 Salazar, Virgemarie Of knowledge, transnational networks, and practices: Exploring ASEAN’s climate change governance through a participatory lens 2023 Cho, Ji-Hoon Possibilities of Peaceful Reunification for Two Koreas: agreement versus by-laws differentiates on unification process 2019 Michal Tengeri Radicalization of refugees and its effect on national security: the Bangladesh case 2023 Non Naprathansuk Rethinking Thai democracy: the impact of social media on political movements in time of political conflict 2014 Sarah Anabarja Revisiting Cosmopolitan Islam in Global Development Agenda: Incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals into Indonesian Zakat Practice 2023 Cachia Philippe Rising celibacy rates in Northeast Asia: bottlenecks in forming intimate relationships among young adults 2018 Amato Science Technology Society (STS) Networks in the Public Management of Nuclear Waste: a Comparative Study of Taiwan & Canada 2017 Manoj Kumar Panigrahi Separatist Movements and Private Diplomacy: Comparing Conflicts and Mediators Peace Processes in India and the Philippines 2021 Mutukuda Wijesuriya Arachchige Dinithi Nadeera Wijesuriya Social Mobility in a Caste System in Relation to Motor Cars in British Ceylon: Changing Values of Landscape and Sinhalese Social Transformation 2021 Jonathan Spangler South China Sea Tensions: State Involvement and Prediction Using GDELT Event Data 2018 Jose Guerra Vio South Korea's Role in Building an East Asian Community: A Middle Power Advancing Regionalism 2014 Tzean, Yu-Shien Bess Stakeholder Analysis of Higher Education Admission Equity in Taiwan 2019 Ahmad Safril Mubah Strategizing Confucius Institutes in the Promotion of China's Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia: From Soft Power to Sharp Power? 2021 Chang, Yu Strategizing US-China Competition in Southeast Asia: Power Transition Revisited or Reversed? 2021 Dharndhanate Punndhanamahakarune Student Revolutions, States, and Embedded Hegemonic Institutions: Democratization in Taiwan and Thailand 2019 Jennifer Butler TAI-PAY: a financial literacy assessment of women in Taipei 2019 Joni Olavi Karpijoki The ‘Iron Cage’ of Varieties of Capitalism? Theory of Endogenous Institutional Evolution of Market Economies: Evidence from Fintech Startups in Taiwan and Korea 2018 Agata Marta Fijalkowska The Dynamics of Policy-Making Process in Kantei: The Case of the 2018 Immigration Act Amendment and the Accommodation Industry. 2022 Dita Siti Nurhayati Anastasia Diliani The Effective Leadership Behaviors and The Local Government Performance, A Study of Regional Heads in Indonesia 2015 Fanny Laurette Guinot The Institutional Issues of Luxury Counterfeits: The Cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan 2021 Patrick Dave Q. Bugarin The Politics of Post-9/11 Counterterrorism in the Philippines 2021 Fernando Mariano Schmidt Hernandez The Politics of the Meat Trade in Taiwan - Selective Protection or Selective Liberalization? 2016 Elpeni Fitrah The Prospect of Indonesian Strategic Approach in Indo-Pacific: Challenges and Limitations 2023 Suchittra Ritsakulchai Women’s Political Participation in Thailand: Perceptions of Public Perspectives 2018

How long does the program last for?

Students must complete the program within 7 years (excluding 2 years with an approved leave of absence).  There is no specific minimum time frame, but students need to carry out their research for at least 2 years under the supervision of an advisor.

What are the requirements to graduate?

The general requirements are: complete 30 credits, complete the research ethics online course, pass the Qualifying Exam (QE) on one of the 4 available tracks, and pass the proposal defense and the final dissertation defense. Other requirements (depending on the year of enrollment) are: to publish an article in an English journal, attend an English international conference, and have working experience as either a teaching assistant or research assistant.

When do I have to take the Research Ethics Online course?

Students must pass the course during their first year.

Can I choose one QE track and write a dissertation on a completely different topic?

Yes. The track only affects the QE. The dissertation does not need to be about any of the QE topics.

What is the QE format?

The QE is an open essay-style exam with citations and references.

What happens if I fail the QE?

Students can retake the QE once.

Can I have an advisor from another university?

Yes, students can have an external advisor.

How long do I have to wait between the proposal defense and the final defense?

Students have to wait at least 2 months in between.

Can I have professors from other universities on my committee?

Students must have 1/3(one-third) external members on their committee.

What happens if I fail the final defense?

Students can arrange another final defense only once.

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